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Services Overview


Why Choose Us?

Complete Hearing Care

We utilize a wide variety of technology to help each person hear better based on their needs. We consider the results of our hearing assessment,your life style and always with your budget in mind. A Key to your hearing success includes consistent follow up from a knowledgeable provider and practice. Prescribing a unique plan for your daily life style and hearing healthcare.

We truly care about your hearing needs!




Hearing Health Assessment

Our First Step is to review your hearing health and medical history to better understand the concerns you have. Your history of noise exposure, dizziness, allergies and ear infections can all impact hearing health. A thorough case history helps in diagnosing the specific cause of your hearing loss, tinnitus or other audiological disorder.

 We will insure you receive a thorough hearing assessment. 



Professional Audiologist

As an audiologist, Dr. Gillespie is held to the highest standards in the industry to treat patients and provide solutions for their hearing healthcare.

Accreditations and Affiliations:

  • Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology
  • Certificate of Clinical Competence
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Tinnitus Practitioner’s Association
  • West O Chamber of Commerce
  • Nebraska Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Academy of Doctors of Audiology
State of the art technology plus years of experience.

Hearing Tests

Advanced Audiology of Greater Omaha performs comprehensive audiologic hearing evaluations to gather all necessary information to make proper diagnoses and recommendations. This testing reveals the specific type and degree of hearing loss.


Hearing Loss

There are three basic types of hearing loss:

Sensorineural Hearing Loss:

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: the most common type of hearing loss, normally caused by damage to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear or the auditory nerve. This can develop due to noise exposure, the natural aging process, head trauma, specific medications or chemotherapy.

Conductive Hearing Loss
Mixed Hearing Loss:

Hearing Aid Repair

Hearing Aid Repair & Maintenance: We offer a wide variety of different hearing aid repairs to ensure that you get the most out of your hearing aids. You’d be surprised how many people walk around every day with easy-to-fix issues that hinder the quality of their hearing. If your hearing aid whistles or howls when you insert it, if it issues no sound or distorted sound or if it just doesn’t seem quite right, we can help.


Contact Us



17021 Lakeside Hills Plaza
Suite 202
Omaha, Nebraska 68130

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