Hearing Aids

What Hearing Aid is Right for Me?

What Hearing Aid is Right for Me?

What Hearing Aid is Right for Me?  If you have ever done a search for hearing aids on the internet, you know how overwhelming all of the information can be. The best recommendation is to work with a doctor of audiology to find the right solution for you.To better help...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

We have been paying attention to the latest updates on the coronavirus from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and local, state and federal governments and have instituted a number of new procedures to protect the health and safety of our...

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Hearing Checked

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Hearing Checked

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Hearing Checked May is Better Hearing and Speech month, so that means it is also the perfect time to schedule an appointment to have your hearing checked by an audiologist. If that isn’t enough motivation, read on to learn our five...

FAQ: Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids

FAQ: Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids

When investigating options to improve hearing, individuals can be overwhelmed by newspaper advertisements, mail promotions and internet programs that make promises that seem to good to be true. As the old adage says, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”...

Recent Posts

What Hearing Aid is Right for Me?

What Hearing Aid is Right for Me?  If you have ever done a search for hearing aids on the internet, you know how overwhelming all of the information can be. The best recommendation is to work with a doctor of audiology to find the right solution for you.To better help...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

We have been paying attention to the latest updates on the coronavirus from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and local, state and federal governments and have instituted a number of new procedures to protect the health and safety of our...

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Hearing Checked

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Hearing Checked May is Better Hearing and Speech month, so that means it is also the perfect time to schedule an appointment to have your hearing checked by an audiologist. If that isn’t enough motivation, read on to learn our five...

FAQ: Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids

When investigating options to improve hearing, individuals can be overwhelmed by newspaper advertisements, mail promotions and internet programs that make promises that seem to good to be true. As the old adage says, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”...

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